Virtual Online Meeting!
Want to network, build your team, set goals, or figure out your next step? Do any or all of 'em as we go around the Zoom on our next:
Savvy Women Investors Meeting (SWIM) online

SWIM is moderated by Katheryn McGill, one of the area's top rehabbers; and by Janet Tonkins, "The Cashflow Diva," with over 100 properties in the Baltimore area and multiple states.
We're all Zooming these days, so let's make the most of it. On our next Savvy Women Investors Meeting online, moderator Katheryn McGill will invite you to introduce yourself, tell us what you need or offer, and network to build your team for success.
If you're struggling to set goals or determine your next step, Kat and your colleagues will help with that, too.
Of course you may feel free to just listen and soak up the knowledge.
Whatever your reason, come SWIM with us -- and Zoom ahead!
PLEASE NOTE: Registration for SWIM is a two-step process. You will pre-register here, then get a link to register for the webinar itself.
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